Originally posted on Atlas Shrugged: Hobo Sign.

Cobra Commander: Alright! Everybody put your hands up!
Dagny: Did you just ram my train with... a train built to look like a giant snake?
Cobra Commander: Kind of what I do! I'm feeling in very high spirits today and want to get on with some proper robbery so I'd appreciate it if you just hand over everything you own.
Dagny: I would rather die than give up one single object that I own.
Tramp: And all I still own is a pittance, being a homeless, jobless vagrant having been invited on this train to have my first hot meal in months.
Cobra Commander: Wait a second, you're treating this guy to a meal out of the goodness of your heart? Seriously? I thought I had some luck in finding a hero earlier but this is just...
Dagny: Oh no no don't misunderstand I'm not showing any sympathy for this man.
Tramp: And I would find it abhorrent if she did.
Cobra Commander: But... you're... look he just said you're treating him to a meal.
Dagny: Yes not because I feel bad for him but because I admired his owning property, even in the face of death.
Tramp: Oh indeed, quite like what this fine woman said earlier I would much rather die than give up what property I have, even if it is but said pittance. I hope to find a job soon so that I can make back more property I can desperately cling to.
Dagny: As any good person rightly would.
Cobra Commander: Well... I mean... I guess that's still sort of a nice gesture...
Dagny: You take that back!
Tramp: Yes I won't have you insult this fine can do woman by calling her nice.
Cobra Commander: Fine, whatever, look I'm just going to get back to the robbing then. Alright so as I was... wait a minute... looking for a job?
Tramp: Yes all the work has dried up so I thought I would go out looking for new work.
Cobra Commander: Far be it for me to... advocate for a law but isn't it currently illegal to stop working and also illegal to look for a new job? I'm not saying those laws don't deserve breaking, though again... I kind of advocate for all law breaking... but still, kind of fuzzy on the logistics here? Wouldn't you be a fugitive or a criminal?
Dagny: Oh I can answer that easily. That kind of stuff is just out of focus right now.
Tramp: Right, I'm more of a... narrative device than an actual character. I've got a speech to deliver and then I'll pretty much disappear from the story.
Cobra Commander: Well that's kind of depressing.
Dagny: Not at all! Giving big speeches... very heroic.
Tramp: Oh yes I'm quite looking forward to it.
Cobra Commander: I'm going to have to sit here through your whole big dumb speech aren't I.
Tramp: Well, with you being a villain it would be only right for me to use it to try and defeat you.
Dagny: As defeating big villains with speeches is sort of what we heroes do.
Cobra Commander: I'd rather you just shoot me.
Dagny: See, the speech is working already!