Originally posted on Atlas Shrugged: Hume's Meadow.

Cobra Commander: So no conflict?
John Galt: None whatsoever.
Cobra Commander: Well not before I showed up at least.
John Galt: Touché, but yes, otherwise objectively speaking no conflict.
Cobra Commander: Pizza toppings.
John Galt: We all go with pepperoni, objectively the best.
Cobra Commander: The best way to handle the conflict in the middle east?
John Galt: We all collectively don't care.
Cobra Commander: But how can you always be sure you'll always agree on everything?
John Galt: Well it's simple. As rationally minded people, the moment a truth becomes obvious to us we merely accept that truth and move on. And since everything in the world, including all levels of interpersonal interaction, has an objectively correct answer. It only takes people who are intelligent enough to be able to comprehend it when it is presented to be able to make a perfect not-society.
Cobra Commander: And what defines this... 'objectively correct' answer of yours?
John Galt: Why whatever is best for me of course!
Cobra Commander: Well let's put that to the test shall we?
John Galt: Why... did you pull a gun out?
Cobra Commander: You and... hmmm... that Judge fellow, we're going to have a little game.
Judge Narragansett: I um... think it would be in my best interest if someone else played this... game of yours?
John Galt: Yes it would be in mine too!
Cobra Commander: Oh come come Judge, I've just been told you're not doing anything else. And Mr. Galt... this game can end with you not being shot so certainly someone as intelligent as you will figure out how to get there. And look, just to be sporting... and because I want to make this last... I'll be sure all my shots are nonlethal. I've got a lot of practice at it. Fair enough?
John Galt: Fine... I'll play your little game, and Judge Narragansett will too!
Judge Narragansett: I'm not so sure I...
Cobra Commander: Splendid! The rules are simple. I've got a hand behind my back, and I'm holding up either one or two fingers. You get to guess, and if you guess wrong, I shoot you in the leg.
John Galt: What!? I... I thought you were going to make us play the Prisoner's Dilemma or...
Cobra Commander: Oh please, you think life is so kind as to always feed you the information? You yourself have admitted that when new people come to this valley of yours they bring inventions and ideas you don't know about. So even in your own twisted fantasy world you don't all have perfect knowledge. Sometimes you have to deal with a situation in which you don't know everything.
Judge Narragansett: But this isn't fair! There's no way to win! You'll just cheat!
Cobra Commander: Oh definitely, I actually can promise you I will cheat. It's sort of the point here. But there is a sure fire way to win, I can't believe you haven't seen it.
Judge Narragansett: To... ask very nicely to be let back to the dinner party?
Cobra Commander: Of course not! You just have the other player guess first. If you assume I'm going to cheat and say they're wrong no matter what they pick, I'll shoot them and then you pick the other choice and you win.
John Galt: Of course. Well... Judge... I think you should be up first.
Judge Narragansett: What!? Why should I be first!?
John Galt: Well... you know... I'm very important to running this place and if my leg was crippled it would be very bad for you...
Judge Narragansett: Having my leg shot would be very bad for me!
John Galt: Yes but surely not so bad as having my leg shot. I mean think of how amazing I am! I'm surely more valuable to you than your ability to walk.
Judge Narragansett: But if I can't walk... how will I... um. .. arbitrate.... I mean... if... if anyone ever needs it... and... and they couldn't just come to my house... I....
John Galt: Quit dithering and guess already!
Judge Narragansett: Fine! Two fingers! *BLAM*
Cobra Commander: Oh sorry, you guessed wrong. Good try though, better luck next time.
John Galt: I think he's passed out from the pain.
Cobra Commander: Oh I'm sure he'll be fine. Really though if you're plotting to overthrow the world governments you really should be prepared to be shot at least once. Rather disappointing.
John Galt: Ha, One finger!
Cobra Commander: Brilliant play! *BLAM*
John Galt: YOU SHOT ME!?
Cobra Commander: Sorry about that, you lost. I was actually holding up three fingers.
Cobra Commander: Yes and I also explicitly said I would cheat, I just cheated in a way you didn't expect. I also made it clear that this game would mirror a reality where you didn't always have all the answers to everything, it's like you don't even listen to me sometimes.
John Galt: YOU SHOT ME!
Cobra Commander: Oh whine whine whine. You have the 'best doctor in the world' don't you? Little pain is worth the life lesson I think. Oh and now he's passed out too. Well, better go get the medic. I'm certainly not done with this lesson just yet.