Originally posted on Atlas Shrugged: The Marketplace of Ideas.

John Galt: I would apologize Dagny for not inviting you to partake in my lectures, but I don't apologize because I'm always right.
Dagny Taggart: Well naturally, but being a woman I'm mostly just thrilled you are not spending your time with another woman, as it also seems there are no women attending your course unless they are a part of the 'few others.'
John Galt: Well naturally. You would think that a completely merit based society only accepting the best and brightest of humanity would probably end up with a healthy mix of people but shockingly it's mostly white men. Pure happenchance it worked out that way.
Dagny Taggart: Oh naturally, but it can't really be considered sexist because I'm here of course.
John Galt: Of course, even though you have always been identified by a number of the men in this society as an exemplary member of just the kind of person we'd want around here, and you did, in fact, date one of the architects of this valley while he was constructing it, we have of course never actually invited you to come here and even now, while you are here, we're working to actively keep you form having access to any of the advanced knowledge present.
Dagny Taggart: Right, even with that, certainly not sexist.
John Galt: Agreed... but of course you are welcome to go appreciate the arts if you would like. Because even though we've made a point of trying to claim that art is as valuable as science I do think we're all in agreement it's really not at the end of the day.
Dagny Taggart: Well naturally of course.
John Galt: But I would say those new Kay Ludlow plays will be rather amazing, so you might enjoy catching those.
Dagny Taggart: Yes it's rather impressive that one actress would be the best lead for two different plays written by two different playwrights.
John Galt: Well naturally. The best possible plays would of course only need the talents of the best possible actress. It's not as though great art might want to tell the stories of anyone but a very attractive white woman.
Dagny Taggart: I know I wouldn't be interested in any other story! But I'm curious to... you keep going out every other night, but I haven't seen that Commander fellow in some time either.
John Galt: Ah yes... that man. He's been giving his own lectures, and what's worse... for free!
Dagny Taggart: Why, that's even worse than all those times he's shot you!
John Galt: Completely agreed. Thanks to our ludicrously ever expanding piles of gold we never actually spend we've been able to maintain our perfectly functioning economy despite his repeated robberies, but I'm concerned about his speeches.
Dagny Taggart: Why? Won't everyone naturally realize him for the villain he is?
John Galt: Unfortunately, despite all of the people of the valley being perfect geniuses, some of us are far more perfect than others and he is a talented demagogue. I'm concerned that some of the rationally self interested people of the valley might make the mistake of believing that by siding with this power mad despot who keeps telling them they should be putting their considerable talents to use they might actually be better off than slaving away under poor paying support of my perfect agrarian society where all the exceptional people of the world just sit on their hands all day.
Dagny Taggart: The fiend!
John Galt: Don't worry Dagny, obviously there was no reason for you to worry and you're rather stupid for having done so when it was obvious I had a plan.
Dagny Taggart: Oh I won't, also I rather appreciate that you said that to me condescendingly, just like you have in general treated me by continually acting like I'm an idiot for not knowing about these facts that you keep deliberately hiding from me.
John Galt: Again, no need to worry about that either as I'm certainly going to keep condescending to you, but on topic I've had some people looking into this metal man's past... and I think I've found just the ally to recruit.
Dagny Taggart: You've found some enemy of his we can make our ally?
John Galt: Obviously not, do try to keep up. But don't actually keep up, just continue trying because I rather enjoy being one step ahead of you.
Dagny Taggart: Well who would you get to explain all this too if I wasn't here?
John Galt: Exactly. But again, no. Not an enemy. Someone far, far more dangerous, and someone this Commander fellow has been keeping a secret from us. His own boss.
Dagny Taggart: But he's been acting like he has been in charge this whole time!
John Galt: Indeed, but from meeting with this man I feel he'll be a much better fit to our great valley, and I'm certain he already agrees with most of our principals.
Dagny Taggart: How fortunate for us!
John Galt: Well fortunate for us, not for you as again, you're not part of our group and we can still very legally treat you like a second class citizen by whatever rules I make up.
Dagny Taggart: Ah yes, naturally, but I will of course ask you to continue on so you can keep expositing?
John Galt: Certainly. But there's not much else to say on this, which is not something you shall ever hear me saying often of course. But as one fights fire with fire, obviously you should fight cobras with serpents.